
American Born Chinese Identity Theme

American Born Chinese: Stereotypes, Racism And Identity

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American Born Chinese past Gene Luen Yang is a phenomenal graphic novel addressing self-acceptance, racist stereotyping, and identity. Not to mention, Gene Luen Yang blew my socks off with a brilliant intertwining of three rather unconnectable storylines.

Cistron Luen Yang tackles the negative stereotypes of a Chinese- American head-on, illustrating Chin-Kee to possesses the physical stereotypical qualities of a Chinese person. Including small optics, two big teeth, and yellow pare. In addition to these, he carries non-mannered and uncivilized qualities that have historically described to Chinese people. Forth with speaking broken English language and mixing up his Rs and Ls sounds. Jin wang is an insecure Chinese-American teenager battling an identity crisis that is reinforced past the stereotypes. The desire to fit in, and the urge to eradicate traces of heritage.

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Non merely does information technology accept part in Jin'due south story but it plays a tremendous role in the theme of Monkey King's story besides. He is rejected by others because of his appearance. No affair how much more authorize he is than others, he notwithstanding ends up being rejected. Although later five hundred years of living nether a pile of rocks, he learns to accept and recognize his true identity.

The form of the story truly is one of a kind with iii various stories leading to i huge climatic events. The author illustrates the story of Jin Wang, who happens to be the but Chinese-American at his new school, the tale of Chin-Kee and cousin Danny, a white boy embarrassed by his cousin Chin-Kee and the fable of the Monkey King. Now how exactly does Gene Luen Yang combine all these together? We discover that Dannys' true form is Jin and is the figure who Jin longings to be. On the other hand, Mentum-Kee happens to exist the Monkey King and teaches Jin cocky-acceptance through the learning of his own mistakes. Mind-blowing am I right!!

In conclusion, I would requite this book a 4/5 as I felt that the catastrophe was awfully rushed. Other than that I savor and had a fun time reading this entertaining graphic novel. It is perfect for readers who battle with maintain their self-identity and cultural while wanting to fit with their community. I recommend it to those who honey a practiced humorous adventure story, with thoughtful and relatable stories. I had a hard time finding a volume, flick or bear witness to help you understand the genre and style of this book as I tend not to picket that many shows or movies. Equally for books, I can't exactly remember of any volume that I have read towards this genre.

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American Born Chinese: Stereotypes, Racism And Identity. (2021, September xx). Edubirdie. Retrieved October 22, 2022, from

"American Born Chinese: Stereotypes, Racism And Identity." Edubirdie, 20 Sept. 2021,

American Born Chinese: Stereotypes, Racism And Identity. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 22 October. 2022].

American Born Chinese: Stereotypes, Racism And Identity [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2021 Sept 20 [cited 2022 Oct 22]. Available from:


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